Every one of us has a unique gift, a ‘superpower’ that sets us apart. Often, it lies dormant, undiscovered until we take a moment to reflect on our most consistent and passionate pursuits. Identifying this superpower can lead you to your True North, the direction that aligns with your deepest values and joys. Here are seven questions I’ve contemplated myself to uncover that personal magic. These are the questions that helped me discover that my knack for finding the superpower in others—was not just a skill but my very own superpower.

You see, I am not just crazy about finding your superpower, I honestly believe that you bring something to the world that only you can! Something that uniquely shaped for you – a way of being in the world that you are the expert in. And I trust that this can not only make you a very good living but a very good life.

Sometimes we need help bringing out this magic – do you need a hand? Please feel free to book yourself into my calender for a call – honestly – its my favorite thing to do, and I would love to connect with you.

How to find your true north in life

As I said, you can reach out to get my help to get closer to your true north, but if you are more of a do it yourself kinda person, please, grab something to drink, make yourself comfortable, and ponder these questions for a moment. Write them down or think them over while you walk in the forest. They are not meant to be easy, but they are meant to be honest and for you to look at where you could take your life for a more smooth ride.

Ready? Here we go:

Question 1: What Have You Always Done?

Looking back, is there a pattern in your activities throughout your life, even if they seem small or insignificant? Now lets be very clear, for this to lead you to your true north, this has to be something that brings you joy. If you´ve been at my site before you know that anything to be is better if you add a splash of hygge and another of magic. When I look back at the things ive always done, they have always brought out a feeling of contentment in the people around me. Now the things that was done may be different, but that feeling is the same. What is that for you? What do you look back on with joy in your heart as something that you have always done?

Question 2: What Do You Do for Fun?

What activities light you up and bring you the most joy? This isn’t just about hobbies; it’s about recognizing what excites you on a fundamental level. Whether it’s storytelling, creating art, solving puzzles, or something entirely different, identify what makes you feel most alive.

Question 3: What Do People Always Ask You for Help With?

There’s often a skill or knowledge that others always seek from you. It could be advice on career choices, crafting, fixing things, or organizing events. Recognizing this can highlight your natural talents and show you where others see your value.

Question 4: What Do You Always Find Time For?

Even on your busiest days, there is likely something you make time for. This could be as simple as sketching a quick doodle, writing a page of your journal, or walking in nature. Whatever it is, it’s a big clue to what truly matters to you.

Question 5: What Tasks Do You Enjoy the Most?

In your professional or personal life, identify the tasks that you are eager to jump into. These are the tasks that don’t feel like chores; instead, they invigorate and excite you. This excitement is a powerful indicator of where your superpower lies.

Question 6: What Common Thread Runs Through Your Interests?

This question asks you to acknowledge your skills and where you excel. It’s not about boasting, but about recognizing where you stand out from the crowd. This could be interpersonal communication, creative thinking, leadership, or any other skill.

Question 7: Why Do You Do Those Things?

Finally, look at the deeper reasons behind your actions. Understanding ‘why’ can provide profound insights into your core motivations and values. Maybe you’re driven by a desire to innovate, to lead, to nurture, or to solve problems. Your ‘why’ can illuminate the path to your superpower even further.

By answering these questions, you can start to piece together a picture of what makes you exceptional. It’s about connecting the dots between your joy, your talents, and your deepest values to uncover a path that resonates with your soul. Take your time with each question and be honest with your answers—this is your journey to discovering what truly makes you, you!

These questions have guided me to a better understanding of what I’m truly passionate about and how I can use my strengths to benefit others. I encourage you to take some time to explore these questions yourself. You might be surprised by what you discover about your superpowers. Let’s continue this journey of self-discovery together. If you feel comfortable, share your discoveries in the comments below. Remember, every small insight brings you closer to understanding your True North.