We’ve all felt that pull from within—that sense that there’s something more to us than the roles we play or the expectations we’re trying to meet. I call that the core self. It’s the part of you that exists underneath the noise, the layers, and the pressures. It’s the part of you that always knows what’s right for you, even if the world tells you otherwise.

I want to talk to you about what the core self really is and, more importantly, how you can begin to lean into it. Trust me, once you start living from this place, everything feels more aligned.

What Is the Core Self?

The core self is your true essence. It’s the part of you that isn’t shaped by society, your family, or your past experiences. It’s who you are at your core—your values, your passions, and your sense of purpose. It’s the you that has always been there, even when life has tried to pull you in a million different directions.

For me, discovering my core self wasn’t a sudden revelation. It was something I realized over time, especially as I began to let go of all the things I thought I should be. When I stopped chasing after others’ definitions of success and started listening to what I wanted, I began to recognize my core self more clearly.

How Can I Understand Myself and Live Authentically?

So, how do you get in touch with your core self and live authentically? It starts with getting quiet. I know that sounds cliché, but there’s so much noise in our daily lives that we can forget to actually listen to ourselves. It’s important to create space for reflection, whether that’s through meditation, journaling, or even just taking a walk alone.

One of the best ways I’ve found to connect with my core self is to notice how I feel in different situations. When I’m living in alignment with my core, I feel peaceful and empowered. When I’m not, I feel off, uncomfortable, and out of place. That’s when I know it’s time to check in with myself and ask, “What do I truly want here?”

Here are a few steps to help you start connecting with your core self:

  1. Spend Time Alone: I know it’s not always easy to carve out alone time, but even 10 minutes can make a difference. Use this time to get still, reflect, and ask yourself some deep questions. What are your values? What brings you joy? What are you doing that doesn’t feel true to you?
  2. Listen to Your Gut: Your instincts are a powerful tool for connecting with your core self. If something feels off, trust that feeling. Your body and your intuition often know what your mind hasn’t yet figured out.
  3. Notice Your Reactions: Pay attention to how you react in different situations. When do you feel energized and alive? When do you feel drained or out of alignment? These feelings are your core self trying to communicate with you.

How to Lean Into Your Core Self

Once you’ve started to get in touch with your core self, the next step is to lean into it—to live from this place in your daily life. This is where the real magic happens because when you’re living from your core, everything else starts to fall into place.

But I’ll be honest, leaning into your core self isn’t always easy. It requires you to let go of the expectations of others and, sometimes, even your own past beliefs about who you thought you were supposed to be. I’ve had to make some tough choices to live more authentically, but every time I choose to follow my core, I feel a deep sense of peace and clarity.

Here’s how you can start leaning into your core self:

  • Make Core-Driven Decisions: When faced with decisions, big or small, ask yourself, “Does this align with who I am at my core?” If the answer is no, it’s a sign that you may need to take a different path.
  • Set Boundaries: Living from your core means setting boundaries that protect your time, energy, and values. I know this can be tough, but it’s essential. Saying “no” to things that don’t align with your core self is a way of saying “yes” to living authentically.
  • Practice Self-Compassion: You won’t get it right all the time, and that’s okay. Be gentle with yourself as you navigate this journey. I’ve had plenty of moments where I strayed from my core, but each time, I’ve been able to come back to it with a little more understanding of myself.

How Do I Know I’m Living From My Core?

So, how do you know if you’re living from your core self? For me, the answer is simple: it feels right. When you’re living from your core, you feel a sense of alignment, peace, and confidence. You’re not pretending to be someone you’re not. You’re not trying to meet anyone else’s expectations. You’re just being you.

And the best part? When you live from your core, you attract the right people, opportunities, and experiences into your life. It’s like the universe responds to the authenticity you’re putting out there. I’ve seen this happen time and time again—not just in my own life, but in the lives of others who’ve made the choice to lean into their core.

Why It’s Worth the Journey

I won’t sugarcoat it—this journey isn’t always easy. It takes time, patience, and a lot of self-reflection. But the rewards are so worth it. When you live from your core, you’re living a life that feels true to you. You’re no longer chasing after someone else’s version of happiness. You’re creating your own.

So, take that first step. Start listening to your core self. Lean into it. I promise, the more you do, the more your life will start to align in ways you never thought possible.